Tuesday, May 13, 2014

6... Long... YEARS

Yep, I started this blog 6 years ago today with the first entry, What's This All About.  Since then, I've been joyful, tearful, abused, abusive, destructive, creative, hated, hateful, loved, loving, and about a half dozen other emotional adjectives.

I wrote the sub-title to read Walk with me in my journey to restore a 1968 Ford Mustang Convertible and you did and for that I am thankful.  Thank you all for sharing this journey with me my loyal readers for without your motivation and support, I would have thrown in the towel (and angle-grinder) many years ago.

        - Alex O.


  1. I think it is good for all of us. If I hadn't found your blog and the others, I don't know if I would be as far on my car, and as comfortable with the work as I am. Everyone has affected me positively with the writing of their blogs and support. I especially want to say thank you to you, Alex, as your blog was the first one I found. You and the others have made my restoration possible.

    1. Thanks Grant. Your blog is a pleasure to read as well.

  2. Great job Alex! Way to stick with it for so long. You Mustang has come a long way and is looking great.

  3. I have to second your words Alex. If it weren't for you among my other loyal followers providing motivation and guidance, I don't think the fastback would be sitting in my garage today. Thank YOU for sharing your journey. It's been enjoyable and educational. I'm still waiting for the 1st edition of your "How to Restore a 68 'Vert".

    1. Thanks Dennis! These blogs are definitely therapeutic.

      A book? Why would you want to pay for the milk when you get the cow for free!? :-)

  4. Hi there Alex, it has been a long time since I have written here... Right about when my own blog crashed and was lost about 2 years ago. I have looked in on occasion and whilst you finished some time back I just wanted to say well done.

